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Getting Trained


There are various ways to recieve basic training on the software offered by Realty Pilot. Our Technical Support Chat Line is available from 6am to 7pm, Mon-Fri to answer any of your basic questions. For more lengthy training sessions, contacting the same Technical Support line, or calling 888-732-5745 and requesting a "Scheduled Training Session" would be ideal. It sets aside an hour where you, the user, can be personally trained by one of our Agents. Ocassionally , the agent may utilize remote support software to take control of your mouse and assist directing you around our software.

There are also a multitude of online refrence materials that can be used to further one's education in our software. We have an online receptacle that houses all of the Training Videos that have been created for our users' educational benefit, as well as the various manuals that have been created for our program (can be found after logging in to Concourse or Offerrunway. Going under Support shows the manual link in Concourse 360 and clicking Help displays the link to the manual in Offer Runway.), as well as this very Knowledge Base.

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Article details
Article ID: 31
Category: Offer Runway
Date added: 2012-04-26 12:22:45
Views: 1762
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (62)

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