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Concourse 360 Billing And Subscription FAQ


Here are a series of Frequently Asked Questions that deal with Billing.


Q: "When I try to add a new BPO/Property, the popup box just says 'No Access'. What do i do?"

A: Chances are, your monthly credit card charge for our service was rejected by your bank because the account has insufficent funds, your card is no longer valid or the account was forcibly cancelled by the user. To reactivate the account, simply go to Account>Subscription and Billing, next click billing on the left hand side of the screen, and enter a valid credit card. If your account does not immediatly reactivate, contact our Customer Support and they can reactivate it for you if you've already entered your card information.


Q: "What credit cards do you accept?"

A:Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Cafe Blanche and JCB.


Q:"How does the 30 Day trial work?"

A: When signing up for our service, every new user will input their Credit Card information. The 30 day trial begins the day you sign up, and your card is not charged until the beginning of the next month's billing cycle. 


Q"How can I find out the next day my account will be charged?"

A: From the Concourse 360 screen, click Account>Subscription and Billing. It will state the next day you will be charged on the left hand side of the screen, halfway down the page.



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Article details
Article ID: 19
Category: Concourse360 & BPO Traffic Controller
Date added: 2012-04-03 14:35:14
Views: 3072
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (62)

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