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How do I clear my browser's cache?


Internet Explorer 6 Users

*NOTE: If you are using version 6, you really should upgrade to a newer version!

  1. Close all open browser windows
  2. In your browser menu, select Tools > Internet Options
  3. Click the General tab at the top of the dialog box
  4. Click Delete Files under Temporary Internet Files
  5. Select the Delete All Offline Content option
  6. Click OK

Internet Explorer 7 Users

  1. Close all open browser windows
  2. In your browser menu, select Tools > Internet Options
  3. Click the General tab
  4. Under Browsing History, click Delete
  5. Under Temporary Internet Files, click Delete Files
  6. Click Delete Cookies
  7. Click OK

Internet Explorer 8 Users

  1. In your browser menu, select Tools > Internet Options
  2. Click the General tab
  3. Under Browsing history, click Delete
  4. Make sure there is a check mark next to Preserve Favorites website data, Temporary Internet files, Cookies and History. There is no need to check the remaining boxes
  5. Click OK > Delete (when it it finishes)

Firefox Users (v3.8.x and later including v7.0.x)

  1. Close all open browser windows
  2. In your browser menu, select Tools > Clear Recent History or Ctrl+Shift+Del
  3. Time range to clear: Everything or Today
  4. Make sure Cookies and Cache are selected > Clear Now
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Article details
Article ID: 10
Category: Computer and Browser Settings
Date added: 2012-03-22 07:39:06
Views: 8323
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (62)

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