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Using E-Forms for BPOs - Tips and FAQ


When transfering data with E-Forms, it is possible to run into a few hiccups along the way. Here are a few tips that could assist when trying to transfer data to sites using E-Forms.

It's important to ensure that when adding the new BPO to Concourse/BPO Traffic Controller, you select the appropriate E-Form out of the three available for your BPO Form (E-FNM for Fannie Mae, E-BofA for Bank of America and E-GMAC for GMAC). Also it is important to select the appropriate Asset Company from the Asset Company drop down menu.

Somthing to be aware of when transfering to a site that is E-Form capable is when a user is prepared to transfer, they must have Concourse360 and the target website account logged in at the SAME TIME, in the SAME BROWSER WINDOW, but in DIFFRENT TABS. This is integral to the transfer process and if this is not done, the data will not transfer.

When at the Auto Fill online section pops up, make sure to follow the directions exactly as they are presented, copying the Web Address (URL) that appears in the address bar when the "# Assigned Tasks" link inside the target site is clicked into the "Tasks URL" field in Concourse 360/BPO Traffic Controller screen. Do the same for the BPO's URL field. If everything has been copied and pasted into their respective fields EXACTLY as they should be, the data from the E-Form will transfer to the target website.

If you continue to have problems, check your computer and browser security settings. Information can be found in this knowledge base under Computer and Browser Settings in the article Internet Explorer Security Settings.

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Article details
Article ID: 20
Category: Concourse360 & BPO Traffic Controller
Date added: 2012-04-09 15:19:01
Views: 3737
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (75)

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