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Auto filling to IE only sites.


To auto fill a BPO with our extension on a site that requires IE, you will need to add the "ActiveX" extension to your Chrome browser. This additional extension will run a site that requires IE in Chrome. Copy and paste this link into Chrome to get the extension:

Once you are on thhe page above, follow these steps to install and set up Active X Properly:

1.) From the above url, you get a pop up that says "ActiveX for Chrome". To the upper right of that pop up, click the button that says "Add to Chrome". Once this is confirmed, you have installed this extension. It should only take a few seconds.

2.) You'll need to set up the ActiveX extension. To do this, click the Chrome menu to the upper right of your browser window and select "Settings"

3.) On the Settings page, click "Extensions" on the left side and you will see ActiveX come up in your list of installed extensions. Under ActiveX, click "Options".

4.) You will see a list of default rules for ActiveX. Directly underneath that list, click "Add". This is where you will add a rule for each site that requires Internet Explorer.

5.) Under Title, name the new rule. For example, "RRReview". For Mode, select "WildChar". Most importantly, under Pattern you will enter the url of the site that you need. Enter the full url plus a slash and an asterisk at the end, like this:* Finally, under user agent, choose "MSIE9".

6.) Once you've completed all of the above steps, simply click somewhere outside of the list you were on and ActiveX is set up to run that site in Chrome. You can now use the Concourse360 extension to auto fill your BPO's just as you would for any other site. If you do not have the Concourse extension, you can get it at

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Article details
Article ID: 49
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2013-01-07 11:04:59
Views: 5507
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (89)

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