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Importing Listings into Offer Runway


Importing Listings into Offer Runway

There are 2 primary ways to import listings into Offer Runway, from the MLS of your choice via a RETS connection and thru Listhub.

Importing from an MLS:
To achieve this, it will be necessary for us to either have a RETS connection set up with your MLS, or for us to facilitate having one connected.
To check to see if we have a RETS connection with your MLS, simply contact Customer Support via the "Live Chat" function on the Realty Pilot Website.
The Customer Support agent will be able to let you know if we do have a RETS connection with your MLS, and if we don't, will be able to have one set up.
After the RETS connection has been set up sucessfully, to import your listings, underneath "My Listings" click "Add Property from MLS".
Here, simply insert the MLS numbers of all the properties you want to import, and click the "Import" button.

Importing from Listhub:
For this to function properly, the user must have whichever properties he wants imported actually listed on Listhub. Begin by clicking the hyperlinked user's name in the upper right hand corner.
next, scroll down the page until you reach the "Optional" area. Underneath, there should be an area to insert your MLS Agent ID. After typing this in, Click the "Get All Properties
for MLS Agent ID" Hyperlink. This will in turn open a popup with all your available listings from listhub and give you the option of which ones to select for import.

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Article details
Article ID: 28
Category: Offer Runway
Date added: 2012-04-26 09:23:19
Views: 2325
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (64)

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